On November 26, 2002, the Montgomery County Council passed legislation (Bill 32-02, which amended Chapter 42A: 20A- 30 of the County Code) to help reduce the number of drive-alone commuting trips — a major source of traffic congestion in the County.
This legislation applies to employers located in the North Bethesda Transportation Management District (TMD) with 25 or more employees. It also applies to employers in other TMDs in the County. The effective date for the legislation was March 6, 2003.
There was a two-year phase-in plan for the legislation. Beginning in March 2003, employers with 50 or more employees were affected. By January 2004, employers with 25 or more employees were brought aboard. The basic requirements of the legislation include, but are not limited to the following:
- Implementation of a Traffic Mitigation Plan (TMP)
- Submission of an Annual Report of Activities
- Participation in the County’s Commuter Survey
- Facilitating TMD Staff Presentations to Employees
Next-Gen TDM
Bill 32-02 was revised in 2019, and became Next-Gen TDM. The Code changes and regulations implement new Transportation Demand Management (TDM) requirements for development projects and employers based on size and geographic location, to support increased use of multi-modal options. The revisions enable TDM to be extended to additional areas of the County beyond the current Transportation Management Districts, provide more flexibility in selection of strategies, streamline the process for program approval, and increase the effectiveness and enforceability of TDM programs. For more information and copies of the materials go to “NextGen TDM.”
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