Taxi, Carshare and Rideshare


Most Montgomery County taxi companies have vehicles dedicated to accommodate customers with disabilities.

Confirm availability by calling in advance of your transportation need – one day ahead is recommended, although it is not required by any of the companies If the taxi company offers you a confirmation number, make note of it. It can help you if you have to call back for any reason.


Rate for One Passenger:

Rate for the initial charge $4.00
For each succeeding one-fourth mile $ .50
Waiting and Traffic Delay Time $28/hour
Additional Passengers $1.00
Personal Service for Loading Items $1.00
Pick-up and Delivery $2.00
Snow Emergency

Charge in the event a snow emergency is declared by the State for the County.

Service Animal $0.00
Toll and Surcharges As Required

**Prices are set by Montgomery County, this chart is for reference only, contact cab companies below for actual fees.**

Click here for any changes to rates.


  • Barwood Transportation (301) 984-1900
  • Regency Taxi (301) 990-9000
  • Action Taxi (301) 840-1000
  • Sun Cab (301) 252-0575
  • Orange Taxi – 301-912-0000

Click here for more taxi information.


Car sharing gives you access to a vehicle 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – without the hassle of owning a car. Hourly or monthly fees vary. They cover gasoline, parking, insurance and emergency service. Cars are available at nearly every Metrorail station in Montgomery County. as well as at dozens of other convenient locations around the county.

Find a Zipcar location in North Bethesda!
